Cosmetic and Sensory show in Tours
Meeting of exchanges and knowing about sensory at Cosmetic and Sensory Show inTours
The Lab in The Bag® took part to “Cosmetic and Sensory” event in Tours (France).
“Cosmetic and Sensory” is an important event for know-how sharing…
Industries Cosmetiques publication
An article in the journal
The Lab in the Bag® is quoted on page 21 of the June issue of the professional review Industries Cosmétiques n°2 – Supplement of magazine Contrôles Essais Mesures n°47.
click here for read this…
Printemps des Études 2014
The Lab in the Bag team at Printemps des Études
The Lab in The Bag® took part to “Printemps des Etudes”, a professional national event created by Marketing and Opinion Survey industry leaders. For the first time, a sensory mobile…