The Lab in the Bag is the product division of Reperes.
Reperes is focused on market research activities, especially on consumer goods (food, cosmetics, hygiene, fragrances,…) testing where consumers are constantly evolving.
Reperes provides solutions on how to access the most up-to-date and operative knowledge for building the best possible offer and strongest possible bond between consumers and your brand.
Reperes offers you a unique gateway to consumers that takes account of all their sensory, emotional, cognitive and relational components.
This promise draws on the specific talents of Reperes:
- Expert Research Managers with a passion for the job: food engineers, statisticians, marketers, psychologists, philosophers, linguists, synergologists, webmasters…
- A real synergy between our different expertises: quali / quanti / datamining / non verbal / semantics / web 2.0, to provide you with the most accurate and impactful responses
- Innovative methodologies created in partnership with our clients (Home Use Blog© with Danone Research, Emotional Monitoring© with Moët Hennessy) or the fruit of subsidised research programmes
- Actionable recommendations for moving your brand forward